Interrupting the Stress Response: Cortisol Management- and Dealing with Stress in the Current Times!
Expect to leave here today with an understanding of the role that cortisol plays in health and mental wellness and become more self-aware of what to do about it and how to help others!
Managing stress is not a one-time activity but an everyday practice! Understand and prioritize the importance of combating cortisol overload. Lowering stress maintains the immune system, increases empathy, regulates sleep, mood, metabolism and prolongs your life!
Dealing with reactive responses and parenting challenges by understanding and managing stress will reduce incidents of child maltreatment. This understanding is helpful to anyone but especially beneficial for use with families involved with child welfare, especially the children.
Expect to hear an overview of basic neurobiology and the nervous system in relationship to cortisol. Practice various techniques to calm down, focus and interrupt the stress response!
Let’s Talk about Sex, Bonding and Relationship Patterns!
An intimate look into Attachment Styles and their impact on families.
Beginning in infancy and outlining a brief history of attachment theory and its affects on the developing child throughout various stages of growth; highlighting cognitive and behavioral patterns.
We will explore an understanding attachment and bonding and its effects on stress, intimacy, and relationships!
Prepare to leave this session with a clear idea of your relational style and how you interact with others in various ways, including your romantic interactions and needs!